A large list of keywords that you want to check could take you hours to process manually. Using All In Scraper we can take that large list of keywords and process it in minutes!
To help prevent blocks or temporary bans we allow the use of proxy servers. You can find free public proxy servers to use in our program online or you can purchase private proxy servers to use as well. Through the use of proxies we can limit the number of captcha requests and protect your IP address from getting temporarily banned.
When a captcha is requested a popup is presented to you to enter the captcha code and then scraping continues when it is solved successfully. We do offer the use of Decaptcher to fully automate this process. The rate that is incurred for using Decaptcher is $3/1000 captchas solved. When using Decaptcher you see no popups and no captcha requests. They are handled all in the background but we do update the status bar with the number of captchas solved just for your reference.
Once you get back the requested "All In" data you can review it in our program or choose to export it out of our program. We allow exporting in text files or csv files both with comma delimitation on each field.
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